Stevenston Schools Bridge The Gap

Pupils from two North Ayrshire schools are celebrating after scooping Nil By Mouth’s latest Champions for Change awards.
Primary 7 pupils from Glencairn and St John’s Primary Schools in Stevenston have joined forces for the third year in row to tackle sectarianism in a series of joint workshops and activities in conjunction with the charity.
Through the programme they investigated common stereotypes, the consequences of sectarian language and learned how differences should be celebrated rather than feared. Education Officer for Nil By Mouth, Jamie Lithgow, was on hand to present pupils with their awards at the most recent joint activity.
As a reward for their hard work, pupils from both schools were treated to a fun day at Glencairn Primary. Members of the local clergy joined the group and the young people were set a problem-solving challenge to literally build bridges between them.. Plans to continue the relationship into a fourth year with next sessions Primary 7 classes are already underway as the partnership between Glencairn and St John’s goes from strength to strength. Earlier this year the pupils donated the profits of their stationary shop to the charity to support its work in schools across Scotland.
Nil By Mouth Education Officer, Jamie Lithgow, Said:
‘Our Champions for Change Awards were created specifically to celebrate the exceptional work carried out by staff and pupils from schools just like Glencairn and St John’s. As the only schools in North Ayrshire to have received this award, they are a shining example within their local authority. The friendships and bonds pupils have created will now be carried forward into high school and they have set a fantastic example for next year’s group which I am already looking forward to working with.’