Tuesday, October 29th 2019

Six Months of Success for Fair Play Foundation

Over the past 6 months, the Fair Play Foundation has been extremely busy delivering workshops, developing new aspects to our programmes and educating sport facilitators about hate behaviours in sport and society in general. The workshops are aimed to provide athletes, coaches, organisers, volunteers and anyone who has an impact on sport, with an educational tool and an opportunity to self-reflect while aiming to develop sport in Scotland and help play a part to improve Scottish society in general.

Since the start of this funding period the Colour of our Scarves programme has been delivered to 13 centres of further/higher education, delivering to over 1000 students across Scotland. These students are studying sport-related subjects and the workshop has provided them with a better understanding of the facts around the prevalence of hate behaviours and potential manifestation in sport. For the first time ever, the Fair Play Foundation has offered the Colour of our Scarves educational provision to all 32 local authority Active Schools departments across Scotland. The take on the programme has been excellent with requests across all areas of Scotland and as far afield as Shetlands; where an Active Schools and a club development workshop is set to be delivered on the 6th of November.

Going into the next 6 months, one of the key pillars of the programme is the work which takes place in all schools of football across Scotland. Once again, we look forward to which has always been an informative and fun programme for the students and deliverers.  In addition to this, the offer of education provision to local sport clubs, is also still available and being delivered with only a few spaces remaining. Over the last 6 months, our club development programme has provided these workshops, both to clubs in the professional game and to local clubs not in the professional game.  These workshops will continue right up to the end of our funding in 2020.

In addition to the delivery outlined above, between the months of December and March, the Fair Play Foundation in partnership with four local groups/organisations will look to create, co-ordinate and deliver an event tackling different forms of hate behaviours on a local level. Whilst empowering individuals to attempt to improve the local communities in which they come.

We have had a busy 6 months travelling around Scotland delivering 'our Colour of our Scarves' programme and have a busy 6 months to go! We look forward to continuing our work to try and help improve Scottish sport and Scottish society in general. Should you wish to find out more information on the work we do, you can find us at  https://thefairplayfoundation.org/ or on our Twitter @FairPlayFound

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Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
