Sense over Sectarianism Working with Glasgow University

As part of the ongoing partnership with Glasgow University, Sense over Sectarianism have been delivering a number of sessions to students on a variety of courses.
A total of 7 sessions have been facilitated to PGDE Secondary students, PGDE Primary Students, 3rd Year MEDUC students and CLD Masters students.
The education students have participated on the SOS sessions as part of their “Health and Wellbeing” curriculum and led to lots of vibrant discussion during the sessions and extremely positive feedback from the students.
The CLD masters students had an awareness raising session; before having a session completing some of the various activates delivered to tackle sectarianism in a community setting. The students were then tasked with creating and delivering their own activities to their peers in the final session.
This partnership is part of the initiative to train the facilitators of the future to deliver the range of Tackling Sectarianism resources published on the National Improvement Hub of Education Scotland in early 2017.
For more information about any of the work detailed above please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.