Wednesday, September 19th 2018

Sense over Sectarianism in Holyrood Secondary School

The Sense over Sectarianism resource “Employment, Social Media & Sectarianism” has been successfully delivered across Glasgow secondary schools for the past few years. Addressing important issues around how the “Digital Footprint” of a young person can effect both their employment and educational opportunities as they prepare to move from school to the next stage in their lives.

Holyrood Secondary School in Glasgow is one of the biggest in Europe and the resource has been delivered to senior pupils over the past 2 years. Due to the sheer number of senior pupils in Holyrood this has had many logistical challenges.

As a result in the 2018 – 19 academic term we have partnered with the school senior management team to deliver something different. A series of 5 assemblies have been designed to be delivered to all circa 270 pupils in the same hall at the same time.

The interactive nature of the delivery has successfully engaged the young people and encouraged stimulating “peer to peer” discussion around these important issues. In addition the series of 5 assemblies are being delivered over an elongated period to allow for reflection and critical thinking amongst the senior pupils.

Holyrood DHT Adele Dastey told us that “These assemblies are an important way to get across important information to the young people and being delivered in the way we have designed with SOS has thus far proven very successful”.

For more information about his resource or any other SOS resources please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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