Tuesday, February 25th 2020

Scarfed for Life Tour 2020

Scarfed for Life Tour

The Citizens Theatre young company performed 2 shows a day for 5 days to an average audience of 80-90 secondary students as a means of reinforcing the study of the play in school or as an introduction to the play before reading the text.

At the opening performance at St Paul’s HS in Pollock, Glasgow the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice Humza Yousaf addressed the pupils after watching the performance to express his support for the work of SOS and its partners.

The feedback from students and teachers alike was incredibly positive and included a really positive exercise for the cast who were comprised by members of the young company of the Citizens Theatre.

For more information about this event or any other SOS initiative please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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