Monday, March 19th 2018

Repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act

MSPs narrowly voted to repeal the legislation at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 15th March. The final vote consisted of 62 MSPs for and 60 against.

The Scottish Government said that scrapping the bill was a backwards step in tackling sectarianism in Scotland. However, all four opposition parties voted for it to be repealed, arguing it has failed to tackle the issue.

Labour MSP James Kelly said: "With weak legislation you have a weak message." It (the act) has not tackled bigotry, it has been widely criticised by lawyers and human rights groups, and football fans have been treated as second class citizens.”

However, Community Safety Minister Annabelle Ewing said: "I can see no positive in repealing the Act without putting a viable alternative in place."

“This move sends out an appalling signal, suggests that the law is going to be soft on antisocial conduct by bigots and bullies and will compromise the ability of police and prosecutors to charge people for unacceptable behaviour.”


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