Thursday, September 6th 2018

Article Index

In October 2018 we are featuring Youth Scotland's project Stand Up to Sectarianism in our Month of Action.

Looking forward to 2019 Stand Up to Sectarianism have five youth groups come together to take part in workshops on an educational trip to Belfast and Coorymeela Community in February 2019 Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle lead activities around conflict resolution, identity, global inequality and team building exercises.  The trip will also focus on the I SEE programme this programme is an effective way of dealing with prejudice recognising the physical and psychological changes that happen to individuals when confronted with views that are different to their own. 

The group recognised that sectarianism can be a starting point for difficult conversations between and with young people.  Organisations and localities have created and adapted anti-sectarianism awareness programmes that best suit their needs.  There is a wealth of understanding and approaches that can be used in addressing not only sectarianism but also other subjects around prejudice, stereo-typing and discrimination.  Banter seemed to be the most prevalent and recognisable form of prejudice among young people and workers.

The programme for the residential will be challenging but is interactive and should be fun.

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