New Resource to Fight Religious Prejudice

The Ground We Share launches in Edinburgh
Students from Trinity Academy have partnered with the Edinburgh Interfaith Association to launch a new national educational resource suitable for schools and youth groups to tackle religious prejudice. The resource was officially opened by the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Communities, Ms Aileen Campbell and included presentations from faith representatives including Jewish and Muslim speakers who shared their personal experiences of hate crime. References were made to horrific attack on the Pittsburgh Synagogue and the arson attack on Leith Gurdwara.
The resource was born out of concern of growing reports of religious hate crimes including Islamophobic and anti-Semitic hate crimes across the UK. The online resource recognises that much of this hate crime is born out of ignorance and seeks to educate against this through providing an online platform which looks to answer young people’s questions around faith and belief and break down any misconceptions that exist. The project co-delivered with Trinity High School students saw them interview representatives of the main world religious and belief traditions on the big questions that mattered to them. The responses to their questions are available on the new site www.thegroundweshare.com There is also the opportunity to email in questions of your own.
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