Wednesday, June 28th 2017

Charter to tackle hate crime on Edinburgh's public transport launched

The Edinburgh Evening News has reported that a new charter to tackle hate crime on Edinburgh's public transport was launched yesterday by Transport Minister Humza Yousef MSP.

A recent survey found that more than half of passengers had witnessed a hate crime on public transport in Edinburgh.

The new campaign has been launched and will take a 'zero tolerance' approach to any hate crime incidents on public transport.

This is the first charter of its kind in Scotland and it is hoped that it can soon be rolled out in other cities across the country.

The Minister was at Haymarket station yesterday for the launch and said:

“The support given to Edinburgh’s Community Safety Partnership Transport Charter is encouraging and clearly shows the commitment towards responsible behaviour and passenger safety.

“There is absolutely no excuse for hate crime or prejudice towards people working or travelling on our transport network and I am extremely grateful for the work of City of Edinburgh Council and partners in developing and implementing the charter.”

The organisations who joined City of Edinburgh Council in signing the charter include Edinburgh Trams, British Transport Police, Police Scotland, Scotrail, and First Scotland East.

This launch will now be followed by two days of action at transport hubs across Edinburgh. Representatives will work to promote understanding of hate crime, awareness of the campaign and how hate crime or unacceptable behaviour can be reported.

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