Sense over Sectarianism National Competitions and Awards


There was a prize of £250 for each award which was made to the winning schools. 

The Winners 

Primary School Art Competition

dalry pri

Winner of the Primary School Art Competition. Congratulations to @DalryPrimary in North Ayshire who win the £250 prize for their school!


Secondary School Art Competition

Govanm HS

Congratulations to @GovanArt @govan in Glasgow who win the £250 prize for their school!


Well done to the competition winners, and a fantastic effort by the other entries as you can see below;

Primary School Entries 


Cadder Primary SchoolGarrowhill Primary SchoolHowwood Primary
cadder priGarrowhill psHowwood pri 1


St Brigids Primary School


St John Primary


Tollbrae Primary School 

St brigids psSt John pgTollbrae ps

Whitdale Primary School

Westhill Primary School

 whitdale ps Westhill school

Secondary School Entries 

Clydeview High SchoolKirkintilloch HS
Clydeview AKirkintilloch HS
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