The Pitchin’ In Programme was developed by Police Scotland and Glasgow City Council in 2014-15 following a largescale incident of disorder involving young football supporters during which those involved put their own personal safety, and the safety of others, at risk.

This pack has been designed in-keeping with the articles of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and has also be aligned with the Curriculum for Excellence. The programme is flexible whereby presenters can adapt the delivery of the material in a manner appropriate to the needs of the participants. This programme is for the use of police officers, educators or any other form of support agency. The details of the Curriculum for Excellence and UNCRC outcomes which are provided in appendix III at the end of the document.

It was recognised that the organisations involved in football could work together to reduce youth offending behaviour and promote individual and community wellbeing, both in relation to football and more widely, through a collaborative approach to prevention, diversion and education based upon building decision-making skills and resilience.

The Pitchin’ in Programme can be used proactively to assist young people to develop their decision making skills to help them avoid being drawn into criminality, with the Programme being delivered in schools, colleges and in conjunction with club community trusts.

Where individuals have already been charged with criminal offences, the Pitchin’ in Programme can be used as a swift response, providing a constructive alternative to prosecution by harnessing the individuals’ positive links with their chosen football club.  

The programme is primarily designed to be delivered to children and young people ranging from the age of 12 upwards however on a case by case basis it can be delivered at any age.

Throughout this programme the welfare and wellbeing of the participants is of paramount importance and as such all care and consideration will be given in relation to each participant’s experiences. As such, if any topic causes distress or makes any participant uncomfortable, the session is paused and the participant excused from the session and signposted to a suitable individual or agency for support and guidance.

The programme ethos

The Pitchin’ in Programme is designed to build decision-making and resilience through a participant-centred course of discussion which encourages participants to think for themselves, be more assertive and develop skills in anticipating the consequences of poor decisions. It is also founded upon harnessing links to football in a positive way by encouraging young people to volunteer at their chosen club, transition to employability programmes and / or obtain awards such as the Saltire Award.

The key objectives of the programme are:

  • Reduction in football-related offending behaviour through an educative and participative approach;
  • Development of decision-making skills to help young people make better life choices;
  • Building of resilience in young people to help them resist the temptations of offending behaviour which places themselves or others at risk;
  • Signposting of young people towards further personal and professional development opportunities.

Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
