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Bauer Academy

The Bauer Academy project is a unique approach to changing attitudes and cultures surrounding sectarianism and bigotry.

The Academy’s team of qualified academics and media professionals has designed and delivered a customised media training programme that incorporates information on sectarianism into learning activities.

The media course took place over 6 weeks (5 Sundays and 4 Thursday evening sessions) Participants were selected from varied backgrounds and ages and actively engaged with key messages, critically reflected upon information, and developed a new understanding of what sectarianism means.

At the end of the course each participant was paired with an industry mentor to create their own podcast on one aspect of sectarianism. We’ve found the subjects they’ve chosen to be widely varied and when completed these will be great tools to share among communities and social groups.

Sectarianism will not be eradicated from Scotland unless we educate and empower individuals to confidently change their own views and then communicate this to others. This type of ‘peer to peer’ communication is extremely effective; messages are believable, authentic and powerful.

This project is tackling sectarianism and bigotry by boldly engaging with individuals and reaching into their communities in a meaningful but also exciting way.


Name: Bauer Academy

Address: Bauer Academy, Forth House, Forth Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3LE