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Sometimes you may need help dealing with sectarianism at work or at home. It could be you affected by it, a friend or a member of your family. In this section we can tell you where you can get help and advice.

What's Tweeting


Where a hate crime or sectarian incident occurs, it is essential that any victim, witness or other party has the confidence to report the matter.

Social Media is a space where sectarianism is often seen but not necessarily monitored or reported. It is highly likely that you and your friends and family

When you are attacked or insulted because of your religion, it is a crime. Whether the crime is reported to the police or not, you might feel upset, frightened or confused by what has happened. It’s normal to feel like that.

I SEE! Scotland is an interactive 16-hour programme delivered to Scottish communities in schools, colleges, community centres, and business contexts.
    Joomla SEF URLs by Artio

    Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
